Render Math With Mathjax

Gurusabarish | Dec 9, 2022 | 1 min read


Math equations can be rendered using Mathjax syntax with AMS symbol support.

Optionally enable this on a per-page basis by adding mathjax: true to your frontmatter.

Then, use $$ ... $$ on a line by itself to render a block equation:


The raw version is:

$$ | Pr_{x \leftarrow P_{1}} [A(x) = 1] - Pr_{x \leftarrow P_{2}} [A(x) = 1] | < \text{negligible} $$

Write in-line equations with \\( ... \\) , like xn/y . It’s easy!

Write in-line equations with `\\( ... \\)` , like \\( x^n / y \\) . It's easy!